Direct from Spain | Discover Our Team’s Favourite Products

Discover Our Team’s Favourite Products

Discover Our Team’s Favourite Products

20/Jun/2023 | Taste of Spain

At Direct From Spain, we take pride in offering a wide range of authentic Spanish products that bring the vibrant flavours and rich traditions of Spain straight to your doorstep. Our team is passionate about these delightful offerings, and we're excited to share some of our favourite products with you. From hearty stews to exquisite wines and preserved delicacies, here are the top picks from each department at Direct From Spain.

Management's Favourite: Fabada Asturiana Bean Stew

Our management team wholeheartedly recommends the Fabada Asturiana Bean Stew. Hailing from the Asturias region, this traditional Spanish dish is a hearty blend of white beans, chorizo, black pudding, and pork. It's a comforting and flavourful dish that embodies the essence of Spanish cuisine. Pair it with a glass of red wine and enjoy a taste of Spain's culinary heritage.

Marketing Department's Favourite: Cockles Packed in Brine

When it comes to showcasing the diversity of Spanish seafood, the Marketing Department's favourite product is undoubtedly our Cockles packed in brine. These small, tender shellfish are carefully handpicked and preserved to retain their natural briny goodness. Whether enjoyed as a standalone snack, paired with some sea salted chips, or tossed in a seafood pasta dish, these cockles bring a taste of the sea to your table.

Customer Service's Favourite: MDLC Cava Sparkling White Wine

Our Customer Service team recommends the Cava Sparkling White Wine as their top choice. Hailing from Catalonia, Cava is Spain's beloved sparkling wine, crafted using traditional methods. With its delicate bubbles and crisp flavours, it's perfect for celebrations or simply adding a touch of elegance to any occasion. Raise a glass and toast to the joyous moments in life with this exquisite Spanish sparkling wine.

Logistics Department's Favourites: Preserved Asparagus and Artichokes

The Logistics Department is particularly fond of our preserved vegetables, specifically the Preserved Asparagus and Artichokes. These handpicked delights are carefully preserved in jars, capturing their natural freshness and flavours. The preserved asparagus can be used as a gourmet addition to salads, tapas, or as an elegant side dish. Similarly, the preserved artichokes lend a unique taste to various recipes like antipasto platters. They're versatile, convenient, and an excellent way to enjoy Spanish produce year-round.

At Direct From Spain, we take great pleasure in curating a collection of the finest Spanish products, and our team's favourite picks showcase the diversity and excellence of Spanish cuisine. From the hearty Fabada Asturiana Bean Stew to the briny goodness of Cockles, the elegant Cava Sparkling White Wine, and the versatile Preserved Asparagus and Artichokes, there's something to suit every palate. Indulge in these authentic flavours and embark on a culinary journey through Spain with Direct From Spain.

Order now and experience the taste of Spain delivered directly to your door!


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